Tech-Enabled Solutions for Rural Healthcare

At Doc On Alert our mission is to use simple mobile technologies to bring affordable, high quality healthcare to every village in Africa. We deploy telehealth-enabled containerized clinics within villages that otherwise have no clinic within a 25-kilometer radius. Our work ensures that healthcare entrepreneurs and their SMEs who are serving peri-urban and rural communities have access to qualified healthcare professionals as well as critical equipment in order to provide advanced medical care.

The container clinics are staffed by a nurse and a lab technician from the local communities and operate on a lease-to-own basis that results in full community ownership, creating a model for medical care that is community-led and -owned. We estimates that a container clinic can meet around 80 percent of basic and maternal health care needs on site, drastically reducing the number of people who need to travel to larger hospitals and the time and cost burdens of seeking care. 


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