Counselling (Psycho-Social) Service For Employees

Having a team whose Mental health is well is critical for any organization as it has a direct impact on productivity. Many employees are facing various challenges whether at work or in their private lives and more often than not they do not know who to reach out to or are afraid to share their personal challenges for fear that confidentiality will not be held. In the workplace an employee is not comfortable getting counselling from their line managers for fear of victimization, fear that their confidential information will be shared outside the session or simply because employees are more comfortable opening up to a professional certified counsellor.

We have a pool of qualified and certified councillors that are available 24/7 and can be reached out to by your employees as and when they need to reach out and talk to a professional.

You will share our hotline with employees allow them to reach out to our counsellors in confidence, you simply pay a retainer which covers a specified number of sessions an employee can access depending on your budget. You have a business to run, you need employees who are mentally ready to take on work related challenges. We therefore take away that from you, counsel and assist your teams while you get mentally healthy employees.

We are available on call as and when clients call us to have a one on one counselling session with any member of their workforce.

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